SSO (Single Sign-On) Options

Single Sign-On (commonly referred to as “SSO”) is functionality that allows your nurses to open ClearTriage without having to sign in with your Account ID and Account Password. This makes it easier for your nurses to open ClearTriage and can provide centralized IT control over who has access to ClearTriage.

ClearTriage offers four SSO options:

1. EMR Integration (athena or Office Practicum)
2. Simple SSO (you create simple links for your team to use)
3. SAML 2.0
4. Embedding in Salesforce or other custom software

This blog article will cover each option briefly. Please contact us if you’d like to learn more about any of them!

EMR Integration

We have partnered with athenaHealth and Office Practicum to embed ClearTriage into their EMR software. Your nurses just need to sign into the EMR and click on the link for ClearTriage – they will automatically be signed into ClearTriage! If you use one of those two EMRs, contact us for details on setting up the no-cost integration.

Note that ClearTriage can also be launched from Cerner, though this will require your IT team to implement ClearTriage’s SMART on FHIR integration.

Simple SSO

This is perhaps our most flexible and powerful SSO option. We provide an Access Key for your account (a long string of letters and numbers). Your nurses then click on a URL (a hyperlink) with that Access Key to launch ClearTriage without having to use the Account ID or Password. Depending on your organization, that URL can be placed in your EMR, in Citrix, in SharePoint or another web page accessible to your nurses, or simply saved as a bookmark or favorite in the nurse’s browser.

Your IT team will need to add the nurse’s name or other identifier to the URL. They can also add the nurse’s department (or clinic or location…) so that you can break down your reports based on the department. This opens up many possibilities for our data-driven customers.

In addition, Simple SSO technology is the basis behind a hybrid approach to sign in known as ClearTriage Quick Links. This approach doesn’t require your IT team and lets your nurses sign in just by typing their name – no need to use the Account ID or Account Password.

SAML 2.0

Perhaps the most traditional SSO method in this list, ClearTriage supports SAML 2.0 using the “IdP-Initiated” sign on pattern. This allows for SSO control by Microsoft Azure or ADFS, PingFederate, Okta, and other SAML providers. Your IT team will know what this means. 🙂

Embedding in Salesforce or other custom software

ClearTriage’s UI can be embedded in your organization’s custom application, whether the application is based on Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, or custom code. This means your nurses don’t need to switch back and forth between the main application and ClearTriage. When embedding ClearTriage, Simple SSO is typically used so the nurse doesn’t need to sign into ClearTriage separately.


ClearTriage is a web-based decision support tool for telephone triage nurses and the leading provider of the Schmitt-Thompson telephone triage protocols. ClearTriage offers several technical integrations including SSO, embedding, structured data return, and translation. Contact us to learn more or start your 30-day free trial today.

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