We’re proud to share this recorded webinar featuring Kathleen Martinez, Clinical Manager of the After Hours Nurse Triage Line at Children’s Hospital Colorado and Past President of the American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nurses (AAACN).
In this session, we explore with Kathleen topics such as:
- Bravery: a caller who is a parent is truly brave to reach out to a nurse they don’t know and share their child’s symptoms and how they’ve been caring for the child
- Building trust and rapport is essential to the successful outcome of a triage call – far more callers become upset about the nurse’s style of interaction than adverse clinical outcomes
- Truly listening to the caller is vital – Kathleen recommends 90 seconds of uninterrupted listening at the start of the call in order to build trust and rapport. 90 seconds is based on this study (Kathleen is certified in evidence-based practice or EBP).
- How to coach nurses to improve their skills in the above areas
- Average call time at Children’s Hospital Colorado and factors that can influence average call time
- Quality improvement techniques including a “24 hour call review” of calls in which the triage nurse does not recommend immediate care but the patient is admitted within 24 hours
We hope you find this conversation as valuable and enjoyable as we did, please share this page with others who would benefit!
This webinar was recorded as part of ClearTriage’s 10 for 10 Speaker Series. Click here learn more about the the 10 for 10 Speaker Series or to register for upcoming webinars.